01432 761500 hjm@hjmaccountsltd.co.uk Year End Accounts Tax Returns VAT Returns PAYE Accountants for Small Businesses in Herefordshire
01432 761500hjm@hjmaccountsltd.co.uk Year End AccountsTax ReturnsVAT ReturnsPAYE  Accountants for Small Businesses in Herefordshire


Established since 2001 - incorporated in 2014.


HJM Accounts Ltd provides the following accountancy services:


For all businesses:

Year end accounts


VAT returns



Independent examination of accounts for non-profit making bodies


For limited companies:

Company formation and company secretarial services

Corporation Tax returns

Submission of accounts to Companies House


For sole traders, partnerships and individuals:

Personal and Partnership tax returns



Heather Moore FMAAT




Licensed and regulated by the Association of Accounting Technicians to provide services in accordance with Licence No 1617, details of which are displayed at the address shown.


Registered office:


Whitmore Cross


Hereford  HR4 8LE

Company No. 09048188

Registered in England and Wales

Making an appointment

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment please contact us:


Tel:  01432761500

Email: hjm@hjmaccountsltd.co.uk


Alternatively, please use our contact form.

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